Will you be able to excel at the job of Captain Rogers: Incident at Rooku in this ABCya arcade game? With the basic and classic arcade theme, your playtime is about to get much more fun while shooting down the asteroids in space! To secure your area while the space cruiser is damaged, you need to fly the aircraft without the stabilizing rudder, which means that you no longer in control of your aircraft's spin.
Try to control the direction of the bullet while your ship spinning and flipping around the space and the galactic headquarters. The obstacles that are the massive piles of asteroids will fling around randomly and they will field towards you. The only way to keep your aircraft intact is to blast your powerful firepower to those asteroids so that you can steer clear of them, make sure that they are out of your way and keep that ship in one piece. This game from http://abcya.games/ focuses on the ability to multitask, accurate shooting techniques and perfect timing.
Don't let your ship float out there and you will be fine. It's an endless game for your eternal entertainment! Will you manage with such a broken stabilizer? It might be hard to edge your way around at first, but with practice, nothing is impossible. Prepare to fly other models of aircraft and planes in the free games like Monsters Impact and Beaver Bomber!
Instruction to play:
Instructions: Click and drag the mouse to interact and shoot.